Monday, February 16, 2009

Day 11 & 12: Holed up in Cabo

No, I´m not gonna lie, we basically just took a vacation from our vacation. I´m not really sure how we ended up in Cabo really, it was never part of the plan. Kyle has been navigating and I think that the lure of seeing a female that doesn´t make us look like Powder when standing in close proximity was too much for him to resist.

I kid! I kid! The real reason we ended up in Cabo was because our new amigo Chris, who we´ve been riding with for the past week down the Baja, owns a RIDICULOUS timeshare at Club Cascades Resort and invited us to joing him and Shane there for a few days. It worked out well actually because after finishing all the necessary tourist visa paperwork in La Paz, the earliest ferry we could catch from La Paz to the mainland was Sunday afternoon. Why Not???? The place is right on the beach on the main strip of hotels in Cabo and has it´s own private swimming pool, hot tub, 4 separate hotel rooms, and best yet...a palapa.. Palapas are sweet.

We got to meet some pretty cool people in Cabo and had a great time, but we were ready to get out of there and continue on with the real adventure by the time Sunday rolled around. However sold out Cabo may be, we learned some really important things from our time spent there: 1. Kyle will do just about anything for a free bucket of beers, including running into the ocean sporting a full moon in front of a restaraunt full of people. It was blinding... 2. I cannot chug beers like I used to. I participated in a beer chugging contest at the Mango Deck (same place kyle exposed himself) and lost by a slim margin. However I still contend the contest was totally rigged. We took it easy Satruday night and headed back to La Paz early Sunday morning. Damn I wish I had of picure of Kyle at the Mango Deck. 3. No matter where you go in Mexico and how touristy the place may be, you can always find an awesome taco stand where you can eat til you explode and pay less than 50 pesos. We ate there two nights in a row and are still not tired of tacos, especially cheap ones.

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