Sunday, February 8, 2009

day 5 /6

tonight we are in santa rosalia, in baja california sur. please excuse all punctuation this key board is horrific. the last couple of days have been epic to say the least. The last update was from san felipe. since then we rode 50 miles of tarmac to Puertecitos at which point the road turned to dirt and or rock and gravel. From Puertecitos on to Baja Gonzaga was approx 50 miles of poor to bad dirt road, it took clay and i 3 hours to complete, but we each only fell over one time which i thought was pretty good. the scenery was undiscribable, you could see the dirt road streching on for miles in the horizon with the sea of cortez to our east. the colors down here are quite amazing especially as the sun is setting. in baja gonzaga we stayed at the famous alfansia´s hotel which is right on the beach. there we met up with several other adventure motorcycle riders. i would quite call it a town, more like a stretch of trailers and some houses all on the beach 100 miles from anything, there is a pemex about 2 kilometers down the road tho. from baja gonzaga we traveled another 35 miles this morning before meeting up with mex 1. it was raining on and off in the morning and the mud for the last several miles before mex 1 was tricky to say the least. from the mex 1 intersection we head south towards Guerreo Negro passing through several military check points along the way. In fact every day we have been in mexico we have hit a couple. they´re young guys with machine guns looking for drug trafficers. some times they wave us along, other times they want to know about our bikes or clays ipod and sometimes they want to look thru our stuff. but no problems so far. everyone has been really friendly. I always make my best effort to talk in spanish with them even if they can understand english, i like the practice and i think the mexicans like it when we try to speak their language. Based on a tip from a fellow traveller at alfansia´s before we arrived in guerreo negro we took a detour on a wide salt road towards the pacific ocean to avoid a police check point these are the once you need to look out for not the military one´s the cops are the guys that try to shake you down for money, the detour worked great and after a quick fuel stop we booked it to santa rosalia and arrived just as the sun was setting. this town is really cool we booked a room at a small hotel and took a hot shower and ventured out to find the best taco stand, which we did. we will probably walk round town tonight and see what is going on but things are pretty slow as almost everyone in town was at the sunday night church service. tomorrow we plan to make it to Lorreto which should be an easy day about 110 miles down the coast.
until the next time i find a connection.

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