Friday, February 6, 2009

Mexico is a pretty crazy place. As we headed south from the town of Mexicali I could not believe the trash that was on the side of the road. People around here pretty much have no regard for their surrondings. They just throw shit everywhere. Even when we were on our little fishing boat the guide threw a bag of potato chips in the water... it's kind of sad, I felt like saying something to him but decided against it since we were on his boat. The fish we caught were really tasty, we grilled them up on the bbq and hand them with some tortillas. um um good. We've already met a few american parties who are travelling south on motorbikes as we are. Most stop at Cabo San Lucas and turn around, although we met some other kids our age who are planning to make it to Panama on dirt bikes. We were surprised because their provisions were minimal but either way they seemed like good riders and I think they'll make it just fine. Tomorrow we plan to continue south on some dirt roads and eventually make it to Cabo or La Paz not really sure yet. Pretty much whatever we feel like doing, we are going to do.

One thing that really chaffes me is how everyone said how much trouble we were going to run into. I don't want to jinx myself, but so far everyone we have run into have been extremely friendly. People down here just live there lives like we do back home, albiet on a smaller scale. Looking forward to hearing from ya' all.



  1. What kind of fish did you guys catch? Sounds fun! I would agree with you Kyle that people around the world are mostly very friendly, and that prejudices exist mainly because of a few bad seeds (which we have in America too). Hoping for your continued success and looking forward to further updates!

  2. Kyle's already chaffing sounds painful I hope they have some kind of ointment for that in South America....
